The following describes how to write a post on the blog.

1. The Header:

First step is to add the following header on the top:

layout: post
title: [title]
description: [description]
date: yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
favorite: [true or false]
tags: [tag 1, tag 2]
  1. Set a title at [title].
  2. Set a description at [description].
  3. Set a date/time in the format: yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.
  4. Mark if the post is a favorite or not.
  5. Pick a tag from the following section:

Categories / Series:

  • literature: books, stories, ideas
  • opinion: real_world, new_cool_tech
  • introspection: hindsight, future, canvas
  • travel: americas, europe, asia, australia, carribean, africa
  • learning: android, firmware, wireless, networking, software, sdn
  • projects: money, fitness, astro, music, others
  • reviews: drinks, shows
  • ambition2020: data-structures, system-design, object-oriented-design, coding-patterns, recursion, dynamic-programming, big-o-notation, java-multithreading
- To change the categories, edit _data/categories.yml
- To change the series in a category, edit _data/series.yml

2. The Body:

Next step is to write the conent of the post. Following sections give more details on how to specify links, formatting, add images etc to your post.


A. Bold:


shows like: abc

B. Italics:


shows like: abc

C. Bullet points:

* abc

shows like:

  • abc

D. Heading 1:

# H1

shows like:


E. Heading 2:

## H2

shows like:


F. Heading 3:

### H3

shows like:


G. Heading 4:

#### H4

shows like:


H. Heading 5:

#### H5

shows like:



Adding Blockquoutes to the post


shows like:



A. Adding Ordered List to the post


shows like:

  1. hello
  2. world

B. Adding Unordered List to the post


shows like:

  • hello
  • world

OR simply

* hello
* world

shows like:

  • hello
  • world


A: Regular Table with header, 2 rows and 2 columns

|Title 1| Title 2 |
|---    |---      |
|Val 1  |Val 2    |
|Val 3  |Val 4    |

shows like:

Title 1 Title 2
Val 1 Val 2
Val 3 Val 4

B: Left Aligned Table with 1 column:

|Left Aligned|
|:---        |
|Val 1       |
|Val 2       |

shows like:

Left Aligned
Val 1
Val 2

C: Right Aligned Table with 1 column:

|Right Aligned|
|---:        |
|Val 1       |
|Val 2       |

shows like:

Right Aligned
Val 1
Val 2

D: Center Aligned Table with 1 column:

|Center Aligned|
|:---:         |
|Val 1         |
|Val 2         |

shows like:

Center Aligned
Val 1
Val 2

E: Justified Aligned Table with 1 column:

|Justified Aligned|
|---              |
|Val 1            |
|Val 2            |

shows like:

Justified Aligned
Val 1
Val 2


You may specify Code like follows:

  {% highlight c++ (or python) %}
  code code code
  {% endhighlight %}

shows like:

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
	string myString;

	cout << "input a string: ";
	getline(cin, myString);
	int length = myString.length();

	char charArray = new char * [length];

	charArray = myString;
	for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i){
		cout << charArray[i] << " ";

	return 0;

Specify links like this:

Link Style Example
Direct: <a href="">Google</a>
In-line Style: [I'm an inline-style link](
Reference Style (Numbers): [Google][1]

Reference Style (Arbitrary Text): [Google][Arbitrary Text]

[Arbitrary Text]:
Reference Style (Link text): []

New Tab for Markdown links: [Google]({:target="_blank"}
New Tab for Direct links: <a href="" target="blank">Google</a>


You may use one of the following div classes to define a division to hold an image or an image caption:

<div class = "img_row"></div>
<div class = "caption"></div>

Specify span width of an image or a caption div like follows:

<img class="col one" src="/assets/img/backgrounds/11.jpg">
<img class="col two" src="/assets/img/backgrounds/11.jpg">
<img class="col three" src="/assets/img/backgrounds/11.jpg">
<div class="col one caption"></div>
<div class="col two caption"></div>
<div class="col three caption"></div>

Full examples:

A. Example 1: Image spanning 3 columns with a caption.

<div class="img_row">
	<img class="col three" src="/assets/img/backgrounds/9.jpg">
<div class="col three caption">
	A simple, elegant caption looks good between image rows.

shows like:

A simple, elegant caption looks good between image rows.

B: Example 2: Adding 2 images, first spanning 2 columns and second spanning 1 column, without a caption.

<div class="img_row">
	<img class="col two" src="/assets/img/backgrounds/8.jpg">
	<img class="col one" src="/assets/img/backgrounds/10.jpg">

shows like:

C: Example 3: Adding 3 images, each spanning 1 column, wihout a caption.

<div class="img_row">
	<img class="col one" src="/assets/img/backgrounds/11.jpg">
	<img class="col one" src="/assets/img/backgrounds/12.jpg">
	<img class="col one" src="/assets/img/backgrounds/7.jpg">

shows like:

D. Example 4: Adding 4 image rows, each with captions

<div class="img_row">
	<img class="col two" src="/assets/img/backgrounds/12.jpg">
	<img class="col one" src="/assets/img/backgrounds/7.jpg">
<div class="col three caption">
	A simple, elegant caption looks good between image rows.

<div class="img_row">
	<img class="col three" src="/assets/img/backgrounds/11.jpg">
<div class="col three caption">
	A simple, elegant caption looks good between image rows.

<div class="img_row">
	<img class="col two" src="/assets/img/backgrounds/11.jpg">
<div class="col two caption">
	A simple, elegant caption looks good between image rows.

<div class="img_row">
	<img class="col one" src="/assets/img/backgrounds/11.jpg">
<div class="col one caption">
	A simple, elegant caption looks good between image rows.

shows like:

A simple, elegant caption looks good between image rows.
A simple, elegant caption looks good between image rows.
A simple, elegant caption looks good between image rows.
A simple, elegant caption looks good between image rows.